Project News
Updates on Project Blocks 17 and 18
If you missed the Vendor Fair on May 25, or if you attended and want a review of what you learned, go to the link below to view the presentation. It includes updates on important parts of the project.
Project Presentation

About the Project
The redevelopment of Norfolk’s Tidewater Gardens will bring new construction with a variety of building types and uses adjacent to Downtown Norfolk. The City of Norfolk and the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority received a $30-million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and have assembled an expert team of designers, architects, engineers, and developers to bring the City’s new vision for the St. Paul’s neighborhood to life. Part of the HUD Choice Neighborhood Initiative (CNI) redevelopment of the Tidewater Gardens site, the project has 618 units of functionally obsolete apartments. They will be demolished and replaced by 205 Replacement Units on the CNI site, 104 units off site, and 390 other units which will be converted to Housing Choice Vouchers. The St. Paul’s area will also receive new roads, utilities, and district-wide stormwater management.The intent is the rejuvenate this key corridor and provide options for housing within the target area and downtown. This will be a vibrant area for residents and visitors, alike.
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Join the list of more than 100 vendors who are prequalified to work on the project. Go to the link below to fill out the form.
Pre-Qualification Form

Go SWaMming
Get SWaM certified and take advantage of great business opportunities such as the St. Paul’s Transformation project. The Norfolk Department of Housing and Community Development and the Virginia Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity need help from your business.
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Brinshore Development, LLC., is an experienced real estate development firm based in Evanston, Illinois. Brinshore excels at creating diverse teams to transform the most complex development challenges into well-designed and vibrant communities. Brinshore’s current portfolio includes 10,000 affordable rental housing units valued at more than $1.5 billion in fifteen states and the District of Columbia.

Banc of America Community Development Company, LLC is a subsidiary of Bank of America dedicated to urban revitalization, and focused on the creation and preservation of affordable housing. BACDC is a leader in public/private partnerships, specializing in master development of mixed-use communities and neighborhood reinvestment through the development of sustainable multifamily and senior housing.

The Franklin Johnston Group is acting as the local developer of Blocks 19 and 20, the first phase of replacement housing for Tidewater Gardens. As such, TFJG is managing all due diligence, design, Virginia Housing funding sources, construction and property management.

BBRM Norfolk Partners, LLC is a strategic partnership of highly qualified and extensively experienced minority contracting companies headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, specialized in general and electrical contracting, networking, and fire alarm and security installations with experience in residential, commercial, industrial, governmental, and green building projects.